The Problem

Despite extensive efforts by many area cavers to improve landowner relations, caves seem to be getting closed faster than ever. The vast majority of Virginia Region caves are on private property, and the landowners get annoyed by public nudity, visitors leaving trash, overuse of their caves, being disturbed at all hours of the day and night, and many other reasons. Cavers are not always the problem, but we all have to deal with the consequences.


The only real long-term solution is for cavers to own caves, be it by individual purchase, cave conservancies or conservation funding programs such as Cave Bucks.

We all need to do our best to maintain the best possible landowner relations; being friendly and courteous to landowners, respecting their wishes and access restrictions, and leaving their property in at least as good a shape as we found it. Even those who cannot afford to donate towards cave purchases can try to educate non-cavers that they meet at various caves, and try to pass on our ethics.

Closed and Restricted Access Caves

Planning a cave trip soon? Please check these lists to see if your destination has any access restrictions. It is always better to ask first than to be sorry later.

VAR Limited Access Caves

Restricted Cave Access Listing for Pennsylvania

Closed and Limited Access Caves of TAG